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Zumba to lose weight: the solution to lose weight?

Reading time : 5 min
Zumba is a sport that interests you, you want to get back into shape with oriental music in the background. With this dance you will travel to Latin America accompanied by typical choreography such as belly dancing. Zumba is a journey but it is also Zumba to lose weight. So are you ready to combine business with pleasure? 


 Zumba to lose weight: the origin of zumba

To make you want to practice zumba even more to lose weight, let's dive into the heart of the birth of this discipline. Head to Colombia which will become the trendy dance years later throughout the world. 


Zumba was born thanks to a Colombian dancer choreographer, Alberto Beto Perez in the 1990s. This concept came to him by accident. One day, for his fitness dance, he was supposed to use his usual music but he forgot it and had to improvise dance steps in another register: Latin music. This is where it all started. 

In 2000, the designer decided to leave his native country for the United States and settle in Miami. His great interest in Latin music and body maintenance led him to make this discipline known on an international level.. Americans and the whole world were won over by the originality of this dance which is still enormously successful today. 

The workout

Zumba is good but what does it look like? It is a form of fitness dance which merges the music and the choreographies, often of Latin and sometimes international origin. The dance steps are a mix of aerobic and Latin American movements. You probably know some, we're talking about Reggaeton, Salsa, Chachacha or the famous Flamenco. 

It consists of dynamic workouts, cardio training, endurance, exercises to refine your figure and muscle strengthening. 

Eventually it was split into several formats to open zumba to several tastes. Indeed, other dance styles join Zumba such as African dance where the hip-hop. You can therefore choose a specialized zumba class. In addition, it is accessible to everyone: pregnant women, children, seniors and beginners. 

Here are other variations to boost your chances of losing weight: 

  • Aquazumba for you to spend even more underwater
  • Zumba toning is similar to strength training since it includes dumbbells and weights. This will allow you to gain muscle mass and speed up your metabolism. It will be faster and you will have an easier time losing weight on a daily basis.
  • Zumba circuit consists of putting your muscles to the test intensely by alternating with very fast rhythms with less recovery time.

If you have difficulty choosing the dance that suits you, our article on Beginner: which dance to choose? 

Zumba promotes weight loss

Zumba is a great stimulant. Music excites your brain and makes you want to occupy the space. You consume as much as possibleenergy, activate your cardio, in addition to tone your body. These ingredients combined together act as a slimming booster. We explain to you what happens in your body while you dance. 

Boost your cardio

Zumba makes you out of breath, do you feel your heart racing? This is completely normal. It is both a fitness dance and a cardio training dance

Why does this discipline work the cardio? Because it focuses on fast sequences accumulated from several choreographies to one frenetic pace. But to let you recover, choreographies to slower music are planned. However, there is no downtime in Zumba classes. You have to have your heart set! 

This sport allows you toimprove your endurance, work on your cardiovascular and respiratory capacities. Your heart is being tested. You sweat and you exert yourself and this allows you to burn calories

Sculpt your body

During a Zumba class, you also do muscle strengthening. You will be required to make fitness movements like the squats, of the slots and knee raises which will engage your muscles in depth. Regarding the muscles highlighted, we can cite: glutes, there abdominal strap and the legs

Don't worry, your entire body will be toned and firmer with a slimmer silhouette. Small benefits to seduce you: you will come out with a flat belly, of the legs stretched out and curvy butt

Inside your body, everything is fine too. Zumba has the advantage ofspeed up your metabolism. This is a godsend if you have a lot of muscle mass and your body burns a lot of energy to keep it going whether during or outside of sports. Zumba will change your life since it will allow you to burn more calories without having to change your sporting rhythm. 

But you have to be patient!

Zumba could be the trigger to achieve your goal. However, the results will not be seen as quickly as you imagine. 

Why do you have to wait several months before seeing change? Zumba will allow you to lose between 500 and 800 calories per hour. If we count correctly, you will need between 10 and 16 sessions to burn 8000 calories, or one kilo. So even if you practice regularly, weight loss will only be seen a few weeks later. After 3-4 months you will be able to notice significant changes in your body. If you want to see results faster, you can take several Zumba classes per week, it is recommended to do 2 or 3 per week. 

However, the benefits resulting from Zumba will appear from the first sessions. 

The benefits

Zumba is a pleasant moment, relaxation merged with effort. The primary benefit is that zumba helps you lose weight, but that’s not all, zumba is an excellent remedy for: 

  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Improves the quality of your sleep
  • Strengthens your coordination and balance
  • A more upright posture
  • Regaining self-confidence
  • Maintain better health
  • Works on auditory and gesture memory

Physically there are also advantages: 

  • Weightloss
  • Tones and strengthens your body
  • Fluidifies your cardiovascular system 
  • Decreased lactic acid, this liquid is responsible for the burning sensations at the end of the session

Everything you need to remember

To understand zumba for weight loss, we traced the origins of zumba created by Beto in the 1990s. It became an explosive practice in 2000 in the United States and then throughout the world. Zumba is inspired by Latin American music and culture. Then it expanded into several styles such as hip-hop zumba, tonic zumba, etc. Zumba will help you lose extra pounds thanks to the cardio and fast pace of choreography. In addition, you will have a toned body and muscles. But you will have to wait a few months before you really lose weight. 

For the benefits, we can remember some of them: 

  • Weightloss
  • Body strengthening
  • Better auditory and gesture memorization
  • A better cardiovascular system

Try dancing at DECIBEL®

Want to let off steam while dancing? Test a unique and magical experience at DECIBEL®.

Dance without complexes for 50-minute sessions on upbeat playlists.

Don't be afraid to let your body express itself, you will be accompanied by experienced coaches.

Exile yourself for a moment at DECIBEL® !




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*based on 12 credits per session (85% of our sessions are worth 12 credits)

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Shareable Session Pack

We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions. (session deducted from your subscription)

You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.

The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the type of session,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

Avec les crédits, vous pouvez bénéficier de tarifs plus bas sur des horaires à moins forte fréquentation.

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