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Deux femmes pratiquent la danse extatique


Discover ecstatic dance: free your body and mind

Reading time : 8 min

Looking for a way to connect with yourself while dancing freely? Ecstatic dancing is for you. This practice allows you to express your emotions through movement, without choreography or constraints.


Definition and origins

In this article, we explore the fundamentals of ecstatic dance, its benefits, and techniques for entering a trance. Also discover the 5 rhythms of Gabrielle Roth and a step-by-step guide to getting started.

Free and spontaneous form of dance

Ecstatic dance or ecstatic dance is a form of free dance that allows spontaneous and authentic expression of the body. Unlike traditional dances, it does not follow any predefined choreography. You are free to move as you wish, guided by the music and your emotions during an evening!

Roots in ancient spiritual practices

This dance draws its origins from ancestral spiritual practices. For millennia, cultures across the world have used dance as a means of spiritual connection and healing. Whether among Siberian shamans or African rituals, ecstatic dance has always been a way to transcend everyday life and connect to higher forces.

Modern popularization by Gabrielle Roth in the 1970s

The popularity of ecstatic dance in its modern form is largely attributed to Gabrielle Roth. In the 1970s, she developed the “5 Rhythms,” a structured framework for ecstatic dance that guides dancers through different emotional and physical states. His work has helped democratize this practice and make it accessible to a wider audience, seeking to explore the depth of their being through free movement.

fundamental principles

Lack of pre-established choreography

Ecstatic dance is distinguished by its total absence of pre-established choreography. There are no steps to learn, no movements to repeat. You are free to let yourself be carried away by the vibrations of the music and your sensations. This fundamental principle encourages a personal and unique expression of your being through each movement.

Deep connection with your body and emotions

Dancing ecstatically involves a deep connection with your body and your emotions, sometimes even in silence. This dance invites you to listen carefully to your body, to feel every sensation and to express your emotions through movement. It is a practice that promotes introspection and self-listening, allowing you to discover aspects of your being that are often neglected.

Seeking a state of trance or ecstasy

One of the main goals of ecstatic dance is to achieve a state of trance or ecstasy. This state is often described as a moment where time seems to stand still, where you feel totally present and connected to the moment, like yoga. Dance gradually leads you towards this transcendental experience, where body, mind and emotions become one.

Une femme pratique la danse extatique

The benefits of ecstatic dance

Physical benefits

Ecstatic dance, by its dynamic and varied nature, considerably improves physical condition. By moving freely, you use different muscle groups, which strengthens your endurance and flexibility. You burn calories while having fun, which makes exercise much more enjoyable and motivating.

Dancing ecstatically releases accumulated tension in the body. The fluid, spontaneous movements help relax tense muscles, providing a feeling of relaxation and immediate well-being. This release of tension contributes to better posture and a reduction in chronic pain.

Ecstatic dancing also stimulates blood circulation. Varied movements and physical engagement increase blood flow, which promotes better oxygenation of tissues and organs. This improvement in circulation contributes to an overall feeling of vitality and energy.

Mental and emotional benefits

Dancing freely helps reduce stress and anxiety. By immersing yourself in movement and music, you disconnect from daily concerns and sources of stress. This creates a space of relaxation and inner peace, conducive to better emotional balance.

Regular practice of ecstatic dance increases self-confidence. By freely exploring your movements, you discover new abilities and express your individuality. This exploration strengthens your self-esteem and confidence in daily life.

Ecstatic dance is a wonderful opportunity to develop your creativity. Each session is a unique exploration where you can express your emotions and thoughts in an artistic way. This personal expression unlocks your creative potential and enriches your emotional life.

Spiritual benefits

Dancing ecstatically creates a deep connection with yourself and others. By connecting to your emotions and your body, you develop a better understanding of yourself. Sharing this experience in a group also strengthens bonds and community, creating a sense of belonging.

Ecstatic dance offers an experience of transcendence. By reaching a trance state, you go beyond the limits of your ordinary consciousness and access an expanded state of consciousness. This state can bring you deep insights and a new perspective on your life.

Finally, ecstatic dance promotes the development of mindfulness. By being fully present in the moment and listening to your body, you cultivate mindful attention in each moment. This mindfulness practice not only enriches your dance experience, but also your daily life.

How to Practice Ecstatic Dance: Step-by-Step Guide


To start, choose a space where you feel comfortable and free to move. This could be your living room, a dance studio or even an outdoor space. Make sure the area is clear and secure to avoid accidents. The more inspiring the space, the more enriching your experience will be.

Music plays a crucial role in ecstatic dancing. Choose songs that resonate with you and inspire you to get moving. The varied rhythms and captivating melodies are ideal for exploring different emotions and states of consciousness. You can create a playlist that starts slowly and builds in intensity to guide your progress.

Opt for clothing that allows complete freedom of movement. Loose, breathable clothing is ideal. Avoid accessories or shoes that might bother you. The goal is to feel as free and light as possible to fully immerse yourself in the dance.

Warming up

Before you start dancing, take a few minutes to focus on your breathing. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. These breathing exercises will help you refocus and prepare you mentally and physically for dancing.

Next, perform gentle stretches to relax your muscles. Focus on areas that tend to be tight, like your back, shoulders, and legs. Simple, slow stretches will help prevent injuries and make your movements smoother.

Take a few moments to become aware of your body. Close your eyes and feel every part of your body, from your feet to your head. Notice the sensations, tensions and comfort zones. This bodily awareness is essential for an authentic and profound ecstatic dance experience.

Once warmed up, start moving to the rhythm of the music. Let your body guide the movements without thinking. Explore different speeds and intensities, follow your sensations and emotions. There are no right or wrong ways to move, the important thing is to stay connected to your feelings.

Return to calm

After dancing, take the time to calm down with gentle stretching. Focus again on the main areas of your body to release any built-up tension. This will help you return to a relaxed state and integrate the experience.

To conclude, you can do a short guided meditation. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Let your thoughts and emotions calm down. This meditation allows you to gently end your dance session and prolong the benefits of the practice.

The 5 rhythms of Gabrielle Roth


Fluid rhythm, or Flowing, is characterized by gentle, undulating and circular movements. It's about connecting with the ground and letting your feet guide your steps. Imagine that you are water, gliding effortlessly, exploring every corner of space. It is a rhythm that invites flexibility and continuity.

Dancing in Flow encourages you to feel the connection with the ground, to feel the gravity and stability that the earth offers you. This rhythm is ideal for centering yourself and feeling grounded. It helps you to be present and find a solid foundation to begin your journey into ecstatic dance.


Staccato is the opposite of Fluid. Here, the movements are jerky, energetic and precise. Each gesture is intentional and distinct. Think of drumbeats, flashes of light. It is a rhythm that releases strength and determination.

This rhythm allows you to express your strong emotions, like anger or passion, in a healthy and constructive way. It helps you set boundaries and explore your inner power. By dancing Staccato, you discover clarity and unambiguous self-expression.


Chaos is a rhythm of liberation and total letting go. Movements become unpredictable and spontaneous. You completely surrender to the dance, letting your body move without control. It is a moment of rupture and release of all accumulated tensions.

Dancing Chaos means accepting uncertainty and the unexpected. Your movements can be fast, slow, large or small. This rhythm helps you overcome mental barriers and open yourself to new possibilities. It is a cathartic process that renews and revitalizes.


Lyrical rhythm brings lightness and fluidity to your dance. After Chaos, you find a certain lightness, as if you were floating. The movements become more rapid, aerial and joyful. It’s a rhythm that celebrates life and creative expression.

Dancing Lyrically means letting your creativity express itself freely. You can explore graceful, inventive and fun gestures. This rhythm encourages personal exploration and the discovery of new ways of moving. It is a time of pure joy and celebration.


The last rhythm, Stillness, is that of integration and a return to calm. Movements gradually slow down to stillness. You enter a meditative state, where every gesture is imbued with awareness and serenity.

In Stillness, you integrate all the experiences and emotions experienced during the other rhythms. It is a moment of reflection and inner peace. You feel the unity between body, mind and soul. It is the completion of the journey of ecstatic dance, where everything finds its balance and meaning.

Techniques for entering trance

Focus on breathing

One of the most effective methods of entering a trance is to concentrate on your breathing. Take deep, even breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. This breathing rhythm helps calm the mind and increase body awareness. Focus on each breath, feeling the air moving in and out of your body. This technique allows you to anchor yourself in the present moment and prepare your mind for trance.

Repetition of movements

Repetition of simple, rhythmic movements is another key to entering a trance. Choose a movement, such as swinging your arms or moving your feet in time with the music, and repeat it continually. The regularity and constancy of these gestures create a hypnotic effect which allows the mind to detach itself from conscious thoughts. Gradually, you may feel a transition to an altered state of consciousness where movements become almost automatic.


Visualization is a powerful technique for achieving trance. Close your eyes and imagine a calming place or scene, such as a forest, a beach, or a starry sky. Let your mind immerse itself in this image, feeling every detail as if you were really there. By combining visualization with music and movement, you can create an immersive experience that makes it easier to enter a trance. This technique helps one transcend immediate reality and explore deeper levels of consciousness.


Une femme fait des mouvements de danse extatique


Ecstatic dance is a free and spontaneous practice that allows you to connect deeply with yourself. It offers many physical, mental and spiritual benefits, improving your overall well-being. By following the techniques and rhythms described, you can easily incorporate this dance into your routine.

Start by choosing a suitable space, prepare yourself with breathing exercises and gentle stretching. Then let yourself be guided by the rhythms of Gabrielle Roth to explore different emotions and states of consciousness. These practices will lead you to a state of trance, beneficial for your inner balance.

Dance however you want with DECIBEL

If you like to combine dance and cardio, DECIBEL® is perfect for you! Join 45-minute sessions where dance and fitness come together to improve your endurance and tone your muscles.

Experience varied and dynamic choreographies, while enjoying a true community spirit. Our energetic coaches will help you sculpt your abs, thighs and glutes, in an electrifying atmosphere with catchy music and soothing lights.

At DECIBEL®, pleasure is guaranteed! Reserve your place now in our dance studio in Beaubourg!




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