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How to learn to dance as a couple?
Why learn to dance as a couple?
Learning to dance as a couple brings you many benefits! Motivation, resumption of a sporting activity, development of one's sense of rhythm and coordination, etc. There are a large number of reasons that will make you want to start dancing as a couple.
The benefits
Dance has many benefits, both on the physical and psychological level ! Here is a non-exhaustive list of certain benefits of dancing in pairs that will make you want to practice as soon as possible.
Return to sport
Couple dancing is a way of play sports without really realizing it. Indeed, it's just as physical as a session at the gym and yet you don't feel it!
Dancing allows you tocombine physical effort and fun. You move on a pace, on a music that you enjoy while doing work your cardio and muscles.
Your body and mind will thank you!
Give each other motivation
By dancing in pairs, your motivation is more important than if you had to dance alone. Indeed, someone else is counting on you and needs you to be able to dance! Your progress depends on each of you.
It is well known, it is always better to motivate yourself together than alone.
Develop coordination and sense of rhythm
We progress with practice! If you don't have much coordination or sense of rhythm, don't panic. The more you dance, the more you will notice an improvement in the way you move!
You'll know it's achieved the moment you stop concentrating on your steps and simply let yourself flow into the music.
Learning to dance as a couple: the basics to get started
First of all, let's see together some dance basics to know before you start.
Determine the style of music you like
Before you begin, think about what styles of music you like, which will give you both the desire and motivation to train, who will not let you, etc.
These kinds of questions will later allow you to make a more obvious choice as to the style of dance in which you want to progress!
Is it necessary to have a sense of rhythm?
Having a sense of rhythm is not not an obligation. Of course, this can be a considerable advantage for your progress in the discipline. Having a sense of rhythm allows you to position yourself better with the music, adapt the steps to different beats, etc.
If you have two left feet and you don't have theear musical, don't worry, you can train to further develop your skills. This will require more concentration, training time and will, but work always pays!
You ask yourself how to learn to dance when you don't have the rhythm ? Follow the leader !
Do you have to be in a relationship?
No way ! This is absolutely not a criterion for getting into dancing for two. Your partner may be a stranger, a friend, a colleague or your partner in your personal life. It does not matter !
The main thing is that you have a goodwill, THE same objectives regarding dance and a certain connection to be able to make you feel real emotion when you dance.
Who is dancing for two for?
The dance for two is aimed both for complete beginners and professionals. Indeed, you can learn at your own pace! There is therefore no level to start dancing in pairs.
The criterion of age is also not a problem. However, the earlier you start, the easier it will be for you because YOU quickly get your body, muscles and joints used to it to practice.
So start when you want and at the pace that suits you best according to your goals.
Dance styles for dancing in pairs
How to choose if you don't know all the dance styles that exist and that can be taught to you? We take a look at the most popular couple dance styles!
Ballroom dancing
Most of ballroom dancing, also called social dances, are based on the same basis: the man leads the dance and the woman lets herself be guided. Let's see the characteristics and specificities of each dance!
The waltz
There waltz is a ballroom dance originating from Germany and Austria. This dance has the main characteristics of to spin around and throughout the room. The partners are entwined and mainly use their legs. It's a very couple dance graceful !
There are several different styles of waltzes:
- the Viennese waltz
- slow/English waltz
- the musette waltz
- the tango waltz
- etc.
THE tango finds its roots in Latin America, more particularly in Argentina and in Uruguay where he was born.
It is a ballroom dance that relies on theimprovisation of choreography. The man guides his partner, who lets herself go according to the rhythm and movements.
There are several styles of tango such as argentinian tango, THE finnish tango or even the chinese tango. Each culture adds its own inspirations and characteristics while retaining the basics of tango.
The cha-cha-cha
THE cha-cha-cha is a dance from several dance styles such as mambo, danzón and son Cuban.
Thanks to its popularity, it quickly became the most danced dance in the United States and the Americans even create their own style of cha-cha-cha called Rhythm.
This dance is characterized by small steps, of the pelvic and hip movements mainly but also specific hunted.
It's a very rhythmic dance that requires dynamism and technique!
Of African origin, the salsa is a dance very popular and much appreciated around the world. THE movements of the body and hips in particular, are sensual.
At the origin of the creation of salsa, the dancers danced in rhythm to the music in total improvisation. With time, new codes were created with in particular theelaboration of figures.
It's a dance particularly physical because these figures are linked together quickly ! Your muscles will all be used and your cardio too.
The double paso
THE double paso is a couple danceSpanish origin. It is inspired by a military march and of theentry into the toreador arena during a bullfight. In fact, these entries are made to music that has a marked rhythm.
It is therefore on this style of music that the paso doble was born! This ballroom dance is considered a dance relatively easy to learn because the basic steps are always the same.
So, traditionally, the man puts his right foot forward and the woman steps back her left foot. The aim being to mark time according to the rhythm of the music.
The paso doble is a free dance, which allowsadd figures as he pleases.
The rumba
There rumba is a ballroom dance of Cuban origin, with a basic movement of sensual swaying. The rumba officially became a ballroom dance around the 1930s under the influence of the Spanish Xavier Cugat.
There are 3 different styles of rumba:
- guaguanco : fast rumba focused on a sensual game of seduction between the woman and the man
- columbia : group rumba, often danced in a circle
- yambu : slower rumba focused on seduction
Where to go to learn to dance?
Several possibilities are available to you for learn to dance in pairs. So there is something for everyone! The shy, the self-taught, the stressed, the relaxed… you will definitely find what you are looking for!
Learn at home
The first step that can be logical when you are a beginner is to practiceout of sight in a place of trust.
So you can absolutely start learning dance for two while practicing at your place ! This allows you to become aware of your body, of the agreement with your partner and of start with the basics at your own pace.
Do not hesitate to watch videos to immerse yourself in the attitudes, basic steps, certain movements and certain postures that can be used for the rest of your learning.
You wish learn to dance alone ? We explain everything you need to know!
Take classes at a dance school
Once you have learned the basics of the dance style you want to learn, you can enroll in a dance school. The courses, most often collectives, allow you to be coached by a professional dance teacher and so progress quickly.
In fact, you will be immediately corrected and you will be able to better become aware of errors that should not be reproduced and the areas you need to work on.
Take lessons with a private teacher
If you do not feel comfortable in group classes because the gaze and potential judgment of others bothers you, a tutor may be the most suitable solution.
Of course, these are higher costs than in dance schools. However, you also progress faster because the teacher only takes care of you!
Dance freely in the evenings
You want to go out to party but you need to train to progress in couple dance? What if you combined both? Go dancing with your partner at parties, bars or nightclubs!
This allows you to both train while having a good time with your partner and your friends, for example. The framework is less serious And less strict that your dance lessons therefore let go !
Take the opportunity to work on the basic steps but also to let yourself go in improvisation.
To conclude
To learn to dance as a couple, several tips and tricks may be of interest to you:
- Start with the basics : don't skip steps, ask yourself the right questions before throwing yourself headlong into a discipline!
- Choose the right partner : it is mandatory to have a connection and a good understanding with your partner to be able to progress quickly and well
- Learn about ballroom dance styles : this will allow you to make the right choice
- Select the learning method that suits you best : at home, in a dance school, with a private teacher, in the evening… everything is possible!
Getting started at your own pace at DECIBEL
You're not sure you want to take the plunge into dancing as a couple? No problem, start with practice dance without complexes at DECIBEL !
Mix of workout and dance, you will be able gain confidence in yourself by letting off steam on catchy music And motivate you thanks to passionate coaches !
You will thus have some notions of dance, rhythm and steps to launch you calmly into the discipline afterwards.
We are waiting for you with arms wide open to make you sweat!
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