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boxe cardio : un homme frappe dans un sac de frappe


Cardio boxing: discover the cardio that hits!

Reading time : 9 min

Are you looking for an activity that will make your heart beat at 1000 miles an hour? There cardio boxing might just make your heart go crazy with joy! It's about a dynamic fitness activity inspired by boxing. This practice not only allows you to let off steam but alsoimprove your physical condition and even better to burn fat. Prepare your gloves because it's going to bleed! 


Cardio boxing: returning to the origins 

Boxing includes many disciplines and aims to be one of the most complete sports to meet your expectations physically, mentally and technically. Today, for thrill-seekers, we're focusing on cardio boxing. 

His origin

Cardio boxing or cardio boxing has arrived in UNITED STATES in the early 1990. Yet different from kick boxing, she resumes her movements as well as those of the boxing and some Thai Boxing. Furthermore, it also has a completely different interest. Take the case of kickboxing, the goal is to work on endurance and strengthen muscles. While that of cardio boxing is to spend, losing weight and of course work on cardio. 

The importance of cardio in boxing

In a sports or fitness room, athletes generally start their training with cardio training, whatever the objective of the session. But what exactly does cardio cover? And why is he present in boxing? 

What is cardio? 

You must have heard the term “cardio” at the gym before. It is a diminutive of the term “cardio-training”. This is a training based on the control of heart rate during intense physical effort gradually. During physical exertion, blood must circulate faster For feed sufficiently muscles in oxygen. Cardio allowsimproved performance of the heart and lungs so that they may distribute oxygen optimally. In short, a person's cardio lies in the ability of their lungs to breathe and retain oxygen as well as the ability of the heart to contract quickly. 

Why have cardio in boxing? 

Every boxer works on his cardio in order to perfect And improve his physical performance. And if any sport is demanding in terms of cardio, boxing is especially so. For what ? Because in boxing two forms of cardio are worked, both for a short and intense effort and for a long-term but less intense effort. 

We understand that this combat sport is picky about cardio, as illustrated by a professional boxing match which lasts 12 rounds of 3 minutes each. So that the boxers can last 36 minutes, a good endurance East OBLIGATORY since at many times, a high intensity is required. In addition, you must know how to defend yourself to match the pace of the attack. Likewise, for the attack you must be able to deliver intense blows. 

boxe cardio : une femme frappant dans un sac de boxe

The principles of cardio boxing

Cardio boxing, popular around the world, combines boxing moves and fitness exercises, providing a complete body workout, in addition to developing boxing techniques. But if cardio boxing exists as we know it, it is because it is based on fundamental principles for health and physical condition. Here they are.

Cardiovascular strengthening

First of all, the cardiovascular strengthening is translated by the intensity used for endurance. Indeed, cardio boxing is characterized by rapid movements, boxing exercises with feet and fists as well as sequences of defense and dodging movements. These actions require constant intensity Who requests THE cardiovascular system. Which results in theIncreased heart rate and increased endurance. 

In addition, a cardio boxing session alternates periods of intense effort with periods of active recovery. This method increases heart rate during intense phases, which stimulates metabolism. 

Finally, a workout requires the peripheral muscles but also the most important muscle for cardio: the heart muscle. Considering this, the more intensely the workload, the more the heart muscle is strengthened and its function improved. 

Coordination and agility 

One of the other important principles within this discipline is the coordination And the agility. Indeed, this aspect is essential to obtain a beautiful combination of precise and dynamic movements. Thanks to the latter, a hand-eye coordination is created as well as a increased responsiveness. 

To begin with, this practice requires precise coordination between leg, arm and trunk movements. In particular, combinations of punches, kicks and dodges require a perfect synchronization to obtain a optimal fluidity. In this sense, the opponent's movements are anticipated. 

Balance, flexibility and responsiveness 

Next, cardio boxing focuses on the balance and the stability. Note that these elements are important for lateral movements, pivots and quick dodges. Working on balance and stability allows you to maintain a strong posture while executing powerful and rapid movements. 

To continue, cardio boxing works there reactivity and reflexes. Indeed, the rapid sequences of dodges and blows require a rapid decision making and immediate response must be given. As the training progresses, the reflexes sharpen, allowing stimuli to respond quickly and make informed decisions when urgent action is needed. 

Finally, cardio boxing improves flexibility thanks to movements that require the flexibility of the muscles, particularly during twisting, dodging and kicking. These dynamic elements allow a significant improvement in flexibility. 

Release and stress management

The biggest motivation for doing cardio boxing is its power to release and stress management. It is a healthy way to relieve daily pressure. But how does this translate inside the body? 

First of all, this sport creates a release of endorphins, the hormones of well-being. They provide a feeling of happiness, relief, promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety. 

Second, it is an opportunity to channel negative emotions. When hitting the punching bag with force and precision, accumulated tension and stress disappear. Indeed, the physical effort produced allows stress to be released and negative emotions to be transformed into positive ones. 

Concentration and self-confidence 

Then, the presence of mind and concentration on movements are essential to practice. As a result, everyday concerns are put aside. A focus at 100% on striking techniques and sequences opens the door to a mental disconnection from sources of external stress. 

Finally, have the control over stress and release contributes to the increase in self-confidence. Indeed, the progression of the acquisition of boxing techniques strengthens confidence in our physical and technical abilities. 

Cardio boxing exercises

Cardio boxing exercises provide a full body workout, efficient calorie burning as well as cardiovascular improvement. We will explore the different types of exercises that are effective for getting back into shape. 

Shadow boxing 

First of all, shadow boxing or boxing in a vacuum is the flagship exercise of the discipline. This exercise is important because it allows you to put all the concentration on technique and precision of movements in the absence of a partner. Thanks to shadow boxing, the alignment of the body, the correct positioning of the hands, feet and the full extension of the arms are worked on and perfected. 

Additionally, even though exercise does not involve physical interactions, it strengthens the upper body since it is composed of repetitive movements. Particularly in the muscles of the arms, back, shoulders, legs and abdominals. By practicing regularly, these muscle groups are toned. 

Furthermore, we must not forget that it is a cardiovascular exercise which contributes to increase aerobic endurance. Furthermore, intense and prolonged physical efforts result in a better physical resistance. 

Cardio drills

THE cardio drills are essential for cardio boxing workouts. It's a dynamic mix of boxing moves and cardiovascular exercises. They are intensive. In fact, they are designed to increase heart rate and stimulate the cardiovascular system. Particularly because they includecardio exercise sequences such as lunges, jumps, jumps and burpees. In addition, cardio drills work the entire body, which allows the development of muscle power and strength. 

The different workouts 

Cardio boxing workout routines are made for improve physical condition, strengthen the body and develop endurance. Here are a few. 

Combination of punches and kicks

A workout like this usually lasts between 15 and 20 minutes. You will need to bring a pair of boxing gloves, a floor mat and a punching bag. 

Start with 5 minutes of dynamic warm-up. For example, by making running on the spot, jumping jacks or skipping roper. This will allow your body to prepare for physical exertion. 

Punch combination

Then you can start your workout with a punch combination by launching a jab with your front arm, followed by a cross with your back arm. Repeat the operation for 1 to 2 minutes. Then, you can continue with uppercuts. Bend your knees, engaging your abs, alternating with both arms. Remember to use your core rotation for more power in your shots. Do this exercise for 1 to 2 minutes. 

Combination punches and kicks

Continue with a combination of kicks and punches. You can start with a jab-cross-hook by launching a hook after a jab-cross. After that, pivot on your front foot and give another hook with your front arm. Do this exercise for 1 to 2 minutes. Continue with a jab-cross-roundhouse kick. Followed by jab-cross, add a roundhouse kick using your back leg. Subsequently, turn your hip and your back foot to gain power in the kick. Do this exercise for 1 to 2 minutes, alternating legs. 

Circuit training

Circuit workouts include a series of exercises to be performed successively with little or no rest time between exercises. Indeed, each exercise lasts 1 minute and the next one must be executed immediately. Once all the exercises have been completed, you can grant yourself a 1 to 2 minute break Then repeat the circuit 3 times gradually increasing the intensity. 


Start with an exercise seen previously, the shadow boxing. Continue with typing pads to work on your punches and kicks. Alternate fast and powerful strokes. Continue with the jumping jacks, spread your legs and simultaneously raise your arms while jumping. Then, make burpees Starting in a standing position, lower into a plank position, do a push-up, jump bringing your feet close to your hands and finish by jumping with your arms raised. After that, perform mountain climbers. Get into a plank position, bring your knees together to your chest, alternating them like a running movement in place. Finally, the circuit ends with jump squats. From a standing position, lower into a squat position then jump back up. 

What cardio boxing does for you

This discipline offers many benefits for body and mind. Here are a few : 

  • Improves the cardiovascular system 

  • Burn calories

  • Muscle strengthening

  • Evolution of coordination and responsiveness 

boxe cardio :  un homme donnant un coup de pied dans un sac de frappe

The essentials of cardio boxing

Let’s go back to the important points of cardio boxing. First this activity saw the light of day in the United States in the 1990s. Then, we saw that cardio training is a training allowing control heart rate during intense exercise. In addition, in boxing cardio is effective for improve And refine his performance

Then, we focused on the different principles on which cardio boxing is based, which are as follows: 

  • Cardiovascular strengthening

  • Coordination and flexibility

  • Release and stress management


Then we explained 2 major exercises of the domain: 

  • Shadow boxing

  • Cardio drills


Let's continue with the different workouts

  • Combination of punches and kicks

  • Circuit training


Finally, we took an overview of the benefits of cardio boxing

  • Consolidates the cardiovascular system

  • Weightloss

  • Tones the muscles

  • Develops coordination and responsiveness

Work on your cardio at DECIBEL ®

What would you say about strengthening your body while improving your cardio? Challenge your cardio by dancing at DECIBEL®. Be in the moment while 45 minutes of intensive workout. Enough to give you a new challenge to take on! By dancing you strengthen your muscles, consolidate your abs, glutes and your cardio with rhythmic choreographies. 

Boost your cardio with exclusive playlists motivating with the hit “Work” by Beyoncé. Furthermore, rest assured, the studio is immersed in a dim light where our coaches will give you their best advice to make your choreography as successful as possible. 

So, want to work your cardio differently?




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