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become a coach
at the sanctuary

The Sanctuary Group is looking for new passionate coaches!

The Sanctuary Group team's mission is to create unique experiences in exceptional locations.
Since 2013, this vision has existed via 7 iconic brands from Parisian sports studios:

join us

If you are passionate about sport, if you recognize yourself in our concepts and our values, if you are looking to learn a new profession, to train, or even to develop your career, join the largest network of fitness studios in France and come and share your energy in our studios!

At The Sanctuary Group, you can become a coach for one concept or even several! We make a point of honor development of our talents within the group.


Extroverted : talking to 50 people is not a problem for you.

Outstanding host : your classes will be a real show.

Passionate about the music/movement relationship : you know that BPMs don't just represent heartbeats.

Organized, rigorous : you are professional and you are reliable.

You want to become a coach

The Sanctuary Group accompanies, trains and supports future coaches in training during their internships and work-study programs. We support you in the procedures with training establishments and in your professional project.

The missions offered to coaches in training and the support of our teams meet in all respects the requirements of internship agreements/apprenticeship contracts.

You can find all the information on the profession of sports coach on this page France Work.


You are already a qualified coach.

You have graduated from one of the training courses allowing you to supervise a sports course and your professional card is up to date.

Qualifying diplomas

THE CQP Fitness
Or BEESAN / BNSSA for aqua cycling
THE DEUG Or STAPS license.

The Sanctuary Group support and training

Joining our coaching team means first and foremost joining a internal training designed for each of our brands where you can develop your skills with numerous speakers (vocal coach, stage coach, etc.).

Joining us also means integrating dynamic and caring teams who will push you to your full potential as a coach.

Do you want to join the adventure? 

Send us your application including:your favorite concept, a CV and a presentation video.

Shareable subscription

We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions. (session deducted from your subscription)

You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.

Shareable Session Pack

We know that sports are more fun with your friends, so we allow you to invite a +1 to each of your sessions. (session deducted from your subscription)

You will have the option to book for 2 people when choosing your session in the Sanctuary App.

The credit system

The more credits you buy at a time, the lower the individual cost.

85% sessions cost 12 credits.
The number of credits required per session varies between 10 and 16 credits depending on different criteria:

  • the type of session,
  • attendance,
  • the schedule.

Avec les crédits, vous pouvez bénéficier de tarifs plus bas sur des horaires à moins forte fréquentation.

Postponable sessions

Sick? On vacation? Or is your week too busy preventing you from completing your weekly session(s)?

No stress about losing your sessions! Sessions are carryover up to 3 weeks after the date the session is credited.
Each session credited to your account is valid for 4 weeks in total.